6 Ways to Grow Your Database
Your SMS campaigns are only as good as the quality of your customer/prospect data, making it vital to use recently updated, opted-in numbers. While buying a database seems like an easier solution to expand reach, nothing beats a homegrown list of leads interested in your product/service and opted-in to receive SMS from you.
At its core, Textlocal is a tool that helps you build customer relationships. You can easily create an opt-in database using our longcodes and missed call numbers. Your customers can opt-in by simply sending an SMS (e.g. “SMS MYBIZOPT to 92205 999XX to receive SMS from MYBIZ”), or by just giving a missed call.

In store
At each point of sale, try to encourage your customers to opt-in to receive reminders, discounts, special offers and updates on your products/services. This will help build a strong relationship with these customers.

Website opt-ins
If you run a website where you collect the details of your customer, e.g. a bookings website, an e-commerce store etc., include a simple tick box saying: I’d like to accept offers via SMS and collect your customers’ numbers.

The data you already have
You’ll be surprised at the amount of data already existing in your organization. Whether you have a sophisticated CRM database or an excel spreadsheet, have a look at what existing information you have and put it to good use.

Advertise your keyword on all your marketing material, website, social media, at events etc and get customers to send a text to your long code, e.g. OPTIN to 96263 9XXXX. The customers that respond will be marked as opt-ins in Textlocal.

Long Code
We, at Textlocal, are great believers in using long codes. Similar to keywords, you can put up a sign that drives customers to text into your long codes for discounts, promotions, and other freebies. All the numbers that text will be visible on Textlocal for you to use.

Missed Call Numbers & Dual VMNS
As with keywords and long codes, all numbers that text into your dual VMN or give a missed call will be automatically considered as opted-in and added in your receive inbox.