Send Personalized Greetings
If you have your customers’ names and other details readily available, do not miss the chance to personalize your messages. With Textlocal, you can easily send personalized bulk SMS campaigns with just a couple of clicks. No software installs or plugins required!
Maximize Reach with Regional Language Texts
Make an emotional connect with your customers by sending local-language festival wishes and texts! Our transliteration tool allows you to quickly compose SMS texts in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Bengali, Guajarati, Marathi, Punjabi & many other Indian languages.
Delight Your Customers with Mobile Coupons
Whether you are a retailer, automobile dealer, travel agency or a restaurant/hotel owner, there’s no better time than the year-end to attract customers. With Textlocal, you can now easily create & send unique mobile-ready coupons, tickets, vouchers and more in your SMS campaigns and watch your sales increase exponentially.
Send Media-Rich Greetings & Offers
Go beyond 160 characters! Break free from traditional plain-text SMS messages by sharing images, videos, brochures or any other files in your SMS campaigns. Inserting Textlocal SMS attachments is as easy as attaching files in an email.
Grow Your Database by Receiving SMS or Missed Calls
Advertise Textlocal Short Codes and Long Codes or Missed Call Numbers on billboards, newspapers, and websites to build your database. Turn casual visitors to your stores, showrooms and shops into loyal customers by asking them to subscribe to your business alerts & offers via Missed Call or Short/Long Codes.
Track Interactions & Engage More Effectively with Customers
Marketing doesn’t stop at just sending an effective SMS campaign. It is important to know how your campaign performed and who found your SMS engaging. Textlocal enables you to easily trace the mobile numbers of people who clicked on the attachments and shortlinks in your SMS. Identifying these engaged-audience helps you close sales more effectively (e.g. via direct calls)!
Textlocal wishes you, your family and friends a very Happy New Year!
Thank you for providing us an opportunity to serve and grow with you.
Trusted By Over 225,000 Businesses
Try us. You will love the Textlocal experience.
Easy and Powerful
Effortlessly send powerful bulk SMS communications from our easy-to-use web interface and comprehensive & flexible SMS APIs.
Best-in-class SMS Delivery
Get unmatched delivery rates and speeds with our direct telecom operator connectivity and intelligent bulk SMS gateway.
Fanatic Customer Support
Whether it's detailed demos, SMS API integrations or bespoke requests, we're always there to help you. We're rated 4.8/5 on Trustpilot.
One Place For All SMS Needs
Send promotional SMS, service SMS, or transactional SMS via web UI, SMS APIs & plugins, receive SMS & missed call hits, and more!
10 test credits on activating your account. Only for business use. No credit card required.